Packing Up & Moving - Tips for Transitioning From One ERP to Another

June 24, 2024

Over the last few months I have been on a personal journey to pack up my first ever home with my husband and move over 400 miles away. As we packed, I found myself asking "Where did all this junk come from?" The truth that is in ERP, like homes, we tend to accumulate junk that just isn't worth taking into the future with us.  Just because you have it, doesn't mean you need to keep it. Let's take a look at some ways you can de-clutter and ensure you are not taking junk from one ERP to another. 

Is There A Better Way?

Is the old way your business completed a process old and outdated-or even sometimes referred to as fragile? Take the time in your ERP move to evaluate custom solutions to determine if the customization is worth taking to your new ERP:

Do You Want a Fresh Start?

Has the business outgrown the processes and customizations of the past? Is it time to leverage this new ERP as a chance to redesign and reimagine how your organization can function? 

Just like furniture, moves can provide a fresh start. Adding more glue and tape to bring a broken piece of furniture to a new house doesn't make sense, so why would you do that in your ERP. 

Yes, you spent money on it, but it served its purpose for a specific period of time. Just like that coffee maker that just needs to be replaced, sometimes your customizations just become outdated and not worth fixing or adapting to the new ERP.

Ask Why.

If end users insist a customization is needed, ask why. The answers may shock you. Some examples of what I have heard:

And my all-time favorite---

Why did I need 3 immersion blenders at my old house? I'm not sure. But I do know, I don't need 3 anymore. Sometimes when we customize environments, there are more customizations that are added over time to support (or even replace) the original customization, but just become clutter that takes up space and increases risk. We tend to hold onto these items "just in case" but fail to remove or toss them when the new change has proven to be reliable. Take the time to understand why it was done that way, and then ask if there is a better way or if it's even needed anymore.

Change is scary, but inevitable. Take the time in upgrading your ERP to take inventory of what is needed, whats trash, and what cool new features are available that can transform your business from your small starter ERP to the ERP of your dreams!

Have questions about making the move to a new ERP, specifically D365 F&O? Send me a message and I will be in touch!

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